

Published by Boom (December 2014)

Covers by Frazer Irving (Incentive # 1 cover by Greg Smallwood)
Interior art by Giovanni Valletta and Stefano Simeone . Colors by Adam Metcalfe

In the distant-future, a company called New Life has not only perfected the cloning of human life, but also the ability to transfer one's consciousness to a new body. Taken together, these two advancements have all but made humans immortal. If you die in a car accident, overdose on drugs, or succumb to disease, resurrection is as simple as transferring yourself into a new, perfect clone.

But eternal life has its cost, and that cost is paid by "pures", humans who have never been cloned. Although the public believes that the pures live bucolic lifestyles, the reality is that they're treated like genetic cattle and are used to regularly "refresh" the genetic pool, a process that can be fatal.

Lieutenant Peter Rathmann heads up New Life's Biological Enforcement Unit, an elite team tasked with enforcing a wide range of laws, such as preventing illegal cloning and unsanctioned births. When a terrorist group called the Human Liberation Army (HLA), comprised of a "free" pures and sympathetic clones, launches suicide attacks against New Life's facilities, Rathmann is ordered to bring them to justice...

Press for Eternal

Newsarama: "Explore Life, Clones, Immortality with Eternal"

CBR: "Harms Tackles the Ramifications of Genetic Immortality in Eternal"