

Launched as an original IP for the PS3, inFamous was acclaimed for its mature super-hero narrative, world, and parkour gameplay. I wrote all of inFamous and developed the story, including all major plot points, for inFamous 2.

In addition, I wrote the DC Comic series that bridged the two games.

IGN: Best Story of 2009 (PS3)

Gamespot: Best New IP
Gamespot: Best Action/Adventure Game (Finalist)

“InFamous sizzles with electrical superpowers, parkour-style platforming and an intriguing story of power, responsibility and science gone mad.”
– New York Daily News

“Sucker Punch Productions started from scratch, creating an epic story that’s not at all familiar. From the moment players first hit the start button, there’s no reinvention, just imagination.”
– San Francisco Chronicle

“The high-definition and destructible environments…and graphic novel-style story sequences all help to create an extraordinary fictitious world.”
– USA Today

“From the beautiful storyboard cut-scenes, to the outstanding voice-work…to the compelling plot, the classic gameplay…you start to become overloaded by the praiseworthy content.”
– Daily Telegraph

“The story is rooted firmly in typical comic-book struggles, but the characters are so well developed, the problems so believable, that the deeper you plunge into the conspiracy the more fascinating it gets. As the story pushes you toward the chilling conclusion, you’ll become completely immersed in this universe.”
– Gamespot, 9/10